Monday, August 23, 2010


Every Monday will be a pop quiz. I will post three true or false archery/hunting questions for you to try your knowledge against. If you’re feeling froggy, you can leave your answers in a comment on my blog for the world to see. On the following Monday, I will post the answers to the previous week’s questions and then post three new questions. If you have specific questions you’d like answered, you can either leave a comment on my blog or send me an email at

Here's last week's questions...

1. A hoof print along with a dew claw imprint always indicates a buck track.
FALSE - Large mature does will sometimes leave dew claw marks.
2. If an area has a high buck-to-doe ratio (greater than 3 or 4 does for every buck), it’s easier to call, scent, rattle, or decoy bucks into your setups.
FALSE - Since bucks will find potential mates in greater abundance in areas with high buck-to-doe ratios, the need to compete for mating privileges is greatly reduced. Therefore, bucks are not as susceptible to calls, scents, rattling, and decoys.
3. The most dominant buck in an area will generally make the first scrapes of the season.
TRUE - Due to increased testosterone levels, the earliest scrapes of the season are generally made by the dominant buck in the area.

And here's this week's POP QUIZ...

1. T / F Rubs on a sapling that are on the opposite side of the tree from a feeding area, generally indicates the evening route of a buck.

2. T / F When sighting in your bow, you should make a sight adjustment after each arrow.

3. T / F The bullseye on all 3D whitetail targets are an exact representation of where you should aim on a live animal.

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