Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I love baseball. It’s great to settle down in front of the television to
watch a major league baseball game…especially if the Phillies are doing
well. But to many people, baseball is boring. They think all baseball
involves is pitch the ball, hit the ball, catch the ball, throw the ball,
etc. But there are many little things going on within the game that make it

One of the things I enjoy watching are the rituals that some hitters go
through before they are ready to receive a pitch. They go through all kinds
of manipulations with the dirt, the bat, their batting gloves, their
helmet, everything. AND THEN….most back out of the box and do it all
again….after each pitch!!!!

However, what these professional baseball players are doing is nothing less
than what we should be doing as archers. In reality, they are adjusting to
the right stance, getting the proper body alignment, achieving the correct
grip, and mentally preparing for the next pitch.

After that arrow is gone and we’ve followed through properly (see blog
entry from 12/7), our body is not in the proper position to immediately
shoot another arrow. While our stance should not change, our posture needs
to be reset, the next arrow needs to be reset, our bow needs to be reset,
our grip needs to be reset, our string hand needs to be reset, and most
importantly, our mind must be reset.

I’m not saying to back completely off the line and start all over but
everyone should have a pre-shot routine that they go through before
shooting every arrow!!! At a minimum, that ritual should include a mental
check list of the following…

Stance and body posture
Nocking the arrow and hook the release
Grip the bow and bring it into position
Slow Draw and anchor the string hand
Aim! Aim! Aim!
Follow through

AND THEN….RESET…and do it all over again.

If you develop a pre-shot routine, the process of repetition will soon
train your body. You will find that you no longer have to really think
about it and that your body will tell you when something isn’t right. And
listen to your body. If something just doesn’t feel right, let down, and

And just like the major league baseball player, don’t dwell on what’s
already happened. You can’t get that bad shot back any more than a batter
can get that strike back.

And RESET your mind to focus COMPLETELY on the next shot. And by that, I
mean FOCUS ONLY ON AIMING when you come to full draw.

Remember…we don’t shoot three arrows at a time when practicing…we shoot one
at a time.

And don’t forget to check out my instructional archery videos at

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