Well, it’s Christmas time again. And you know what that means….some people
are freaking out!!
There are gifts to wrap, cards to send, decorations to put up, a tree to
find, cookies to bake, stockings to hang, a meal to prepare, travel
arrangements to make, plays to attend, parties to plan….the list never
seems to end.
And since these people see absolutely no way of everything getting done by
Christmas, they start to get that look in their eyes that if they get one
more thing piled on top of them, they will collapse like a house of cards.
They are on the edge of being devoured by the holidays and the joy of the
season escapes them.
They don’t see the blessings they get by giving to others.
They can’t understand the happiness a card brings to a friend.
They miss out on seeing how colorful lights transform a simple house into a
magical place.
They fail to appreciate the excitement a Christmas tree brings to a child.
They are unable to smell the friendly warmth of baking cookies.
They can’t see the look of awe on faces around the table when Christmas
dinner is served.
They don’t comprehend the anticipation loved ones feel as they pull up in
the driveway.
They won’t recognize the delight a child has when on stage…and mom and dad
are in the audience.
They aren’t aware of the fellowship shared at simple gatherings.
Please don’t let the seemingly endless list of things to do take away from
the Christmas season this year. My wish is that everyone will take time out
to enjoy the decorations, the food, the family, and the beautiful spirit
that IS Christmas.
And what does all this have to do with archery? Absolutely nothing. Merry
Christmas everyone!!!
Subscribe to my instructional archery videos at www.youtube.com\user\archery64
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