All of us have different levels of physical strength. What might seem an
easy feat for one person, could be an impossible task for someone else.
Form is also a factor when it comes to performing a physical endeavor. If
he doesn’t have the proper form, the strongest man in the world will drown
if he doesn’t know how to swim.
Sadly though, the public usually puts physical strength on a pedestal and
forsakes the more cerebral approach. Some archery hunters will take the
manly approach and draw as much weight as they possibly can. Not only can too much draw weight possibly cost you a deer, it could be hazardous to
your health.
Ever seen this guy on the archery range? Just as he is about to draw his
bow, he aims it to the heavens, spreads his feet into a wrestling stance,
and begins to draw back his bow. His lips are pursed and his eyes bug out a
little until the cams roll over and he gets into the valley. As he brings
his bow on plane at full draw, his body quivers, he aims quickly, and at
release, exhales loudly in relief of the pressure.
This guy could be big or small but it’s obvious that he is drawing WAY too
much weight. Chances are good that he will eventually pull a muscle but
chances are even greater that if he goes through those gyrations on the
stand, every deer within 100 yards will see him!
So how do you know if you are drawing the right weight for your body style
and strength level? Here’s the test…sit on a chair with both feet flat on
the floor. Hook your release and bring your bow arm up on the plane with
your target. You are drawing too much weight if you are not able to come to
full draw in that position while keeping your pins on the target.
You only need about 35 pounds of kinetic energy (KE) for the average
whitetail deer and arrow velocity is part of the formula for determining
KE. Arrow velocity is partially determined by draw weight.
Don’t suffer the fool well who is bragging that the draw weight of his bow
is set at 82 pounds…..unless he can smoothly come to full draw and hold it
there. Then you might want to consider just staying out of his way.
Check out my blog, videos, and lots of other stuff at
If you would like to discuss this or any other archery topic with me
directly, please feel free to email me at
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