by Patrick Meitin
Copyright 2011 by Petersen’s Bowhunting and InterMedia Outdoors Company
299 pages

This book is stuffed full of archery and shooting information. Mr. Meitin
not only gives expert advice on the mechanics of proper form and shooting
methods but he provides in-depth technical guidance on everything from the
parts of the bow, to arrow flight, to setting up a challenging 3D course.
The book covers all aspects of traditional and modern archery shooting and
Plain and simple, this book tells you how to make yourself a better archer
on the range and in the field. There is something for everyone here that
will keep even the most experienced archer flipping through the pages
looking for that next little nugget of wisdom. Be warned however, this book
is not for the novice archery shooter. I’ve been shooting bow for a number
of years now and I had to force myself to slow down while reading this book
in order to be able to absorb the huge amount of information.
· There is a chapter at the end of the book dedicated to getting
children and family members involved in the sport of archery. As a
youth archery instructor, I applaud the writing.
· What a great reference guide this book will make! If you are having
issues with any part of your shooting form or equipment, having this
book to turn to will help lead you back to your happy place.
· I tire of authors who try to please everyone by being politically
correct. Mr. Meitin comes right out and says it, “Wheat is harvested.
Animals are killed.” Bravo, Mr. Meitin, bravo.
· An archery book that is technical in nature should not include both
traditional and modern archery equipment and shooting methods. They
are so vastly different that each deserve to be in their own volumes.
Check out my blog, videos, and lots of other stuff at www.thinkarchery.com.
If you would like to discuss this or any other archery topic with me
directly, please feel free to email me at todd@thinkarchery.com
***Disclaimer-This book was provided for my review by the editor of
Petersen’s Bowhunting Magazine.***