Here's last week's questions...
1. T / F Rubs on a sapling that are on the opposite side of the tree from a feeding area, generally indicates the evening route of a buck.
TRUE-Rubs that are facing away from a feeding area generally indicate the evening travel route of the buck (he was heading towards his feeding area) while rubs facing away from a bedding area usually show the buck's morning travel route.
2. T / F When sighting in your bow, you should make a sight adjustment after each arrow.
FALSE-Sight adjustments should be made after each three-arrow group. And then from the center of the grouping.
3. T / F The bullseye on all 3D whitetail targets are an exact representation of where you should aim on a live animal.
FALSE-Generally, the bullseye on 3D targets are NOT where you want to aim on a live whitetail. In most cases, you'll want to aim much lower on a live deer. For quartering shots on live game, you'll want your point-of-impact much further left or right of where the bullseye is on the target.
And here's this week's questions...
1. T/ F Due to design innovations, it is no longer necessary to sight in broadheads if they are the same weight as your target tips.
2. T / F String jumping is when a deer sees the arrow coming at him and intentionally ducks under the arrow as it arrives.
3. T / F Crossbows have a greater range than regular compound bows.
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